Friday, February 9, 2018

Blog 2: Shutdown

  Recently there has been a lot of talk about ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy, which allows for adolescents who illegally immigrated to America to have a renewable two-year deferred action from deportation. This policy passed during the Obama era in 2012 and has stayed, with hundreds of thousands of people applying and being accepted. This program has allowed for many immigrants to obtain an education and secure jobs, but the current President wants to end the program.
  Trump has made his opinion on illegal immigrants extremely clear by expressing a need for a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border, as well as frequently tweeting various hate remarks on immigrants and their countries. Recently there have been two government shutdowns within three weeks, both times being about government spending on the military, immigration reform, and border security. 
  I have been reading articles frequently about the subject, and I feel as though there are two great articles to somewhat understand what exactly has been happening. The first article by CNBC discusses the view of the government shutdown directly related to DACA, while the second article by BBC discusses what exactly the government shutdown is. With both going hand-in-hand it makes understanding the dilemma a lot easier!

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